The Ides.

Well, here we are. In a pandemic.

I’ve been prepping for years, both physically and mentally. I’m not really sure why. But I’m one of those people who’re really calm in crises. It’s just the way I am. But for all the reading, and thinking and planning that I’ve done over the years, I never really thought that anything would actually happen that would require the sorts of responses I read about.

I think one of the hardest things that we’re all grappling with is, “What now?” For the last week, I got into a little bit of an emotional back and forth with the administration at my daughter’s school as I was begging them to shut down and close the campus. I really don’t think that the majority of the people in America have any idea how awful this could be. Partly, I am sure, that’s because of the media’s insistence that it’ll all be fine and it’s just the flu.

The number of people I see willfully ignoring the recommendations to quarantine themselves so we can attempt to not overwhelm the medical infrastructure is astonishing to me.

This is gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

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